About Your
EES Session


Please do not show up more than 15 minutes early. Your space will be available at the start of your booking.

Rules While Using The EESystem

  1. FIRST & MOST IMPORTANTLY—DO NOT TOUCH THE EE TOWERS! You will be asked to leave with no refund.

  2. Please be quiet while you’re in the EE room. No talking please! Please be mindful of others. The EE room is a quiet room. Please no loud reading material (e.g. newspapers) or computers with keyboards. Please be mindful that others in the room will be in a meditative state. 

  3. Phones on silent mode only. If you need to talk, please quietly step out. You will receive the most benefit when you are relaxed and receptive. Being on your phone can dampen the optimal response.  

  4. Use headphones if listening to audio on your phone, such as music, a book, meditations, or other frequencies.  

  5. Please stay in your chair or on your mat. If you need to stretch your legs, please quietly come to the lobby to do so.   

  6. No food in the EE room. You are welcome to eat in the lobby!  

  7. Water is the only drink allowed in the EE room. No glass or loud containers, please. 

  8. Please refrain from using any strong smells before coming or while using the EEsystem. This includes essential oils, hand sanitizers, & perfumes. Some of our clients are highly sensitive and trying to heal.   

  9. You must be at least 16 years old to attend hourly sessions. Please see Private Overnight bookings if you want to book for a minor. All minors must be accompanied by an adult. 

Recommendations For Best Results Before Using The EESystem

  1. Eat a clean diet a week to ten days before coming. As best you can, cut out processed foods (packaged & fast food), caffeine, alcohol, sugar, gluten, & dairy. Eat lean white meat. Chicken, turkey, lamb, or fish.

  2. We also highly recommend increasing water. A great place to start is to divide your body weight by two and drink that many ounces of water. Electrolyte water is best. No Gatorade, please.

  3. Start detox baths before coming in. This will help get the body ready to move and release toxins.

  4. Dry brushing, lymphatic massage, and saunas to prepare the body for treatment.

  5. Get plenty of sleep the night before your session. We recommend at least 8-9 hours the prior night, if possible for your body.

  6. Please eat on the day of your session. The body needs fuel to heal. But do not overeat.

How many visits do I need?

This question is hard to answer. All our genetic makeup is different, our diets are different, our ability to move toxins is different, and our emotional well-being, and stress levels are all different. All these factors can affect the body’s ability to heal.

There are also different phases to each disease process. For instance, they’re our three phases of autoimmunity. It is tough to make a recommendation based on autoimmune disease, not knowing everyone’s background and not knowing what phase they are in. The best comparison we can give is comparing the use of the machine to working out. You must start at the beginning, and the more time you put in, the faster you will get to the desired result.

Once you reach the desired goal, you must maintain the work you have put in. You might not have to come as often, but we live in a toxic world, and maintenance is highly recommended not to lose any gained success.

We understand it is frustrating not having a recommendation for each disease and symptom. We can tell you that we highly recommend starting with two hours. One hour does not seem to make any significant difference.

Why detox after using the EESystem?

Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, the inventor of the EESystem, highly recommends regular detox baths. The liver and kidneys are the two main systems involved in processing all the toxins we are exposed to daily. Our lymphatic system is the system that transports the toxins. All three systems can become congested.

If our system becomes loaded down with toxins, they will accumulate in our body and can make us sick. The EESystem emits scalar waves that increase the body’s energy production by 3 times. Once the body receives the energy it needs, it can start to heal itself. The healing process will start to mobilize toxins.

If the lymphatic system is congested, it can impair the healing and make you feel ill if there is no place for the toxins to go. The detox bath is an efficient way to move the toxins accumulated in the lymphatic system. Drinking plenty of electrolyte water helps this process.


2 cups of salt (not epsom)
2 cups baking soda
1 cup “20 Mule Team All Natural Borax”
One tablespoon of EES hyper-charged salt mix (optional)

(Pre-made detox bath bags available for purchase at our studio!)


Your Private Overnight
comes with a personal concierge!

Relax and get the info you need as the next level of your wellness begins! The room is all yours. Set up your personal sleeping items in any way that makes you feel comfortable.

Our chairs & mats are NOW available during overnights. Email us for suggestions of setups!



Parking Lot

Welcome to your new path. Discover how to live fully in the light. 



  • Intention

    It starts by focusing on what you want. To be whole and well.

  • Heal

    Relax and allow the energy that created the body to heal the body.

  • Refine

    Think of this as your new beginning.


Please take time to listen to all the videos on the resources page and look over our whole website before sending us emails.

We care about your healing path and want you to feel safe & ready to start this new journey.

We also run other parts of our business to help people that tie up most other days, so please expect a 24-48 hour delay.